Learning Evaluation
Training Needs Analysis & Learning Evaluation Overview
Training needs analysis helps ensure training not only meets learners’ and organizational needs, but also remains relevant, current, and comprehensive.
Learning Evaluation
Training needs analysis helps ensure training not only meets learners’ and organizational needs, but also remains relevant, current, and comprehensive.
Learning Evaluation
Action mapping is an instructional design method that’s meant to streamline and simplify the both design and learning evaluation process.
Learning Evaluation
The ADDIE instructional design model is to learning design as Kirkpatrick is to learning evaluation. Find out more about this training design method.
Learning Evaluation
Why is learning evaluation hard—if not impossible—when training isn't designed properly? See how you can align training goals with business objectives.
Learning Evaluation
In this learning evaluation series, see how to design effective training programs, learning experiences, or resources that are easy to measure.
Learning Evaluation
It's time for our fourth annual 'Measuring the Business Impact of Learning' benchmarking survey with LEO Learning. Find out more and register today!
Learning & Data Ecosystems
What can artificial intelligence teach Learning and Development about scalability? And no, we're not talking about the 'Netflix of Learning.'
Blended Learning
Virtual reality can play a practical role in your blended learning programs, but what VR training data should you track? Here's what you need to know.
Learning Evaluation
What can ants teach us about learning evaluation? Find out more about pheromone analytics and how they can help put learners on the right learning path.