Instant Insights: How Learning Analytics Improves Compliance Effectiveness

Nowhere is the value of learning analytics more keenly felt than at the crossover between mandatory training and regulatory reporting.

Regulatory fines risk becoming a PR nightmare and can easily run into tens of thousands of dollars. Operationally, having access to live-time reporting can help you answer essential questions in the flow of work. It enables quicker interventions and can prevent isolated incidents from escalating into larger issues.

This eBook shares real-life examples of how learning, business and HRIS data can provide scalable reporting that streamlines your compliance function.

Explore core compliance pain points your data can answer:

  • Are we licensed to operate?
  • Has mandatory training been completed?
  • Can I filter compliance by HRIS data (job roles, region, departments etc)
  • Can we prove % time spent on training (% of payroll or time-unit)?
  • Can we scale up reports to factor in different regional regulations?
  • Can we access live-time reports in the moment of need?

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