Product Updates
Report Zoom, Measure Hiding, and Search Features in Watershed
Our latest features and upgrades include zooming in on key data in line charts, improved search results, and hiding measures from heatmaps.
Product Updates
Our latest features and upgrades include zooming in on key data in line charts, improved search results, and hiding measures from heatmaps.
Product Updates
See our latest product updates and UI refresh—including resizable reports, updated usability features, renamed and relocated features, and more.
Product Updates
Use the Report Subscriptions feature to choose and regularly email a learning analytics report to stakeholders.
Product Updates
Use Watershed's enhanced measures to easily create, organize, and edit the measures in your reports.
Product Updates
Watershed's Activity & Verb Aliasing allow multiple identifiers to appear as one activity or verb.
Product Updates
Use the Event Lines feature to represent which events are impacting your organization's metrics.
Product Updates
See how Watershed's Language Map Support and Group Intersect Filters change the user experience.
Product Updates
See how to use Watershed's Enhanced Management feature to categorize dashboards and assign permissions in the Dashboard Menu.
Product Updates
Exclude Filters simplify how users select filters when creating reports in Report Builder.